You can download the complete registration packet, including the registration forms, tuition rates and class schedules by clicking the button below.
Registration PacketThese documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. The vast majority of computers already have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed and can read and print these files easily; if you don't have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free here.
Families who are new to the Batavia Nursery School can see their registration instructions by clicking here.
Dear Parents:
Pre-Registration for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Thursday, January 23; please click the button at right to download an application for your child.
Pre-Registration is in effect until Friday, January 31. You may turn in your application and registration fee at any time during this period. Once Pre-Registration is over, we will be accepting applications from the public. Please note that applications are processed in the order that they are received. Several of the classes that we offer have limited space, therefore we suggest that you register early. You must include the Registration Fee in order for us to register your child. For returning students the Registration Fee is $80; family max $140.
If you currently have a student enrolled, are a member of the Congregational Church of Batavia, or are an alumni family you are eligible to register during this Pre-Registration period.
If you have a friend who would like to register, you may request an Application for them or direct them to this web site. Registration information for new families is here; Open Registration begins at 9 a.m. on February 1.
Thank you for being a part of our Batavia Nursery School family!
Pam Foelske
Batavia Nursery School
21 South Batavia Avenue, Batavia, Illinois 60510
630-879-9470 E-mail:
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